Pitlochry, Scotland murieljohnstone@scotscores.com

15 Social Dances – Roy Goldring


Muriel Johnstone’s Scottish Dance Band

Music for Roy Goldring’s dance book ’15 Social Dances’
SKU: SSCD 09 Category: Tag:


Tracks on this CD:

  1. Alastair Hunter’s Reel                           8 x 32 Reel
  2. The Bartons’ Reel                                 8 x 32 Reel
  3. The Cramond Wedding                      3 x 32 Strathspey
  4. Elisabeth Hunter’s Strathspey           3 x 32 Strathspey
  5. Eric’s Jubilee                                         4 x 32 Reel
  6. Glen Lyon                                              3 x 32 Strathspey
  7. The Grants’ New Rant                         8 x 32 Strathspey
  8. Mary Erskine                                         8 x 32 Hornpipe
  9. The Miller of Sessnie                           5 x 32 Jig
  10. Monique’s Jig                                        4 x 40 Jig
  11. My Jo                                                      8 x 32 Strathspey (2 cpl.)
  12. Side By Side                                          8 x 40 Jig
  13. The Thornhill Strathspey                     3 x 32 Strathspey
  14. Thirty Years On                                      4 x 32 Strathspey
  15. The Water of Fleet                                4 x 32 Jig

Track samples:     To be added

The CD also includes music for

  1. Agnes and Bobby Crowe                     3 x 32 Strathspey
  2. The Balmullo Reel                                88  Reel (Sq. set)
  3. The Celebration Jig                              8 x 32 Jig

’15 Social Dances’ has been republished in the compilation book ’29 Social Dances’






Additional information

Weight 110 g
Track Details

1. March for the Waccles (D. Hunter); Pfingsten Ball (K. Smith); No, no, no but (K. Smith); Toast to the Mousies (K. Smith).
2. Maguy Leoghannain (K. Smith)
3. The Marquis of Huntly's Favourite (Trad); Miss Ogilvie's Fancy (Trad); Miss Margaret Graham of Gartmore's Favourite (Trad)
4. Jiggy Tiggy (K. Smith); Who Shot Bambi (K. Smith); The Logger's Jig (M. Johnstone); Spot the Bothy (K. Smith).
5. The Ravens of Strathcona (M. Johnstone); Raven Lodge (M. Johnstone).
6. Ian Addison McCallum Alsop (M. Johnstone);Boghall (M. Johnstone).
7. Highland Shortbread (K. Smith); The Carpenter Ant Rant(Muriel Johnstone/K. Smith); ; The Lad fae Dundee (M. Johnstone); Still Going Strong (M. Johnstone);
8. Knoydart Wedding (K. Smith); The Wedding Waltz (K. Smith).
9. Timeslip (M. Johnstone).
10. Charles J. P. S. McHardy Esq. of Invergordon (M. Johnstone); Douglas's March (M. Johnstone); Elspeth Gray (M. Johnstone); The Berwick Braveheart (M. Johnstone).
11. Elliot's Walk (M. Johnstone); The Arrival of Elliot Ryan (M. Johnstone).
12. Keith of Kylin (M. Johnstone); Farr Far Away (K. Smith).
13. The 9lb Chicken (K. Smith); The Eagles' Feast (K. Smith); Hummingbird Bill (K. Smith); Keith Smith's Compliments to Cathy Fraser (K. Smith).
14. Lullaby for Kenza (M. Johnstone).


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